Land at Brielle Way | Proposal for Light Industry on a Complex Brown Field Site
Montash Properties | Sheerness | Isle of Sheppy
“Elliot Payne have worked with us on a variety of different projects from a residential conversion of a sensitive listed building through to large scale complex industrial developments. Elliot Payne bring fresh thinking, imaginative solutions and a tenacity to real world commercial problems. And we always enjoy working with them.”
Balancing a Variety of Pressures
Montash Properties Ltd proposes to develop a total of 7650sqm B1 (Light Industrial) & B8 (Storage andDistribution) on 3.7 Hectares of land to the east of Brielle Way, between Queenborough and Sheerness on the Isle of Sheppey. The site is part brownfield situated between a range of juxtaposed land uses. Development of the site is complicated by buried services that run through and around the site, flood risk and poor ground conditions. The B1 and B8 industrial buildings are to inspire and house local business and promote financial growth. A Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) manages the groundwater of the site to alleviate pressure from the current drainage system by ensuring green-field ground water discharge rates. Green public spaces and buffer zones are created through the use of soft landscaping to improve the aesthetic and ecological appeal of the site and reduce the effects of light and noise pollution from the neighbouring rail network and the site itself. Enhanced flora and fauna on-site is encouraged by the sowing of native plant and tree species and the connection of the site to the green corridor of the railway. Improved sustainable transport networks are created with shared footpaths and cycle ways.
The client briefed us to form a consultant team and develop a workable proposal for the site. The local authority recognises that industrial site provision is very much required on the Isle of Sheppey however this earmarked site is heavily constrained by heritage assets, ecological assets, residential properties, a major highway, railway track, pumped sewer main and poorly structured, contaminated ground.
Our Process to date:
Appointment of a suitable consultant team including Alan Baxters (General Constraints, Structural, Transport, Hydrological) Lustre (Ground) Hoare Lee (Lighting and Acoustic) Derek Finney (Ecological) Joh Bates Studio (Landscaping).
Understand the complexities of the site against the client’s development framework. Develop proposals that delivered the client the necessary overarching assurance that the project was feasible.
Test the proposals against site, development and statutory parameters and refine.
Develop the proposals to a level of complexity higher than required for outline planning to highlight the window of feasibility this development could exist within.
On-going consultation with client and local authority throughout planning process.